Monday 5 December 2011

Ten reasons as to why I shouldn’t give up my life

A few days back I was asking my friends a simple question, with a not so simple situation. The shortness of the question made it sound irrelevant but it was more a matter of life and death. It was also my way of testing them as to how they felt about each other.

To everyone I asked the question “will you give your life for” followed by a series of names.  The answers I got were not very surprising; in fact I think I had a success rate of a hundred percent. They all would reply with a yes or a no. but little did they realize that the moment I put that question in their head, they had begun to think, “is this guy really worth dying for”. Even though they had already answered, they still thought about it, at least the ones who took it seriously. I saved them the embarrassment of asking them how they so easily chose to give up something they had cared for so much, the reason they ate, spoke, kept themselves happy, studied, wasn’t it ultimately for themselves? It was really easy for them to say that they would give their lives for the following people, but their brains were racking on as to why they should do such a thing.

It becomes even crazier when the time actually comes to give up your life for someone, only a few can live up to what they had said. These people are the ones who don’t want to weigh the consequences, because they love that person too much to actually start valuing their lives in comparison. These are the people who would actually give up their lives for someone.  It is these people who you can call true friends. They are very difficult to find. The rest of them will be standing there giving themselves ten reasons as to why they wouldn’t want to give up their lives rather than ten reasons as to why they should give up their lives. Have you asked yourself that question? 

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